Already a general discussion about the dangers of smoking to human health, particularly reproductive health. This is indicated by the materials into consumption at the time of smoking, among others, Tar. Tar is a collection of thousands of kinds of chemicals, including CO, nitrogen oxides, cyanide, hydrogen, ammonia, acetylene, benzaldehyde, benzene, methanol, etc., which can damage the health.
A cigarette contains 3-6% CO which, if entered into the blood circulation will reduce the ability of blood hemoglobin to bind oxygen. CO levels of heavy smokers can reach 5% and can damage the health.
Diseases which can be triggered by smoking include cancers (lung, throat, vocal cords, stomach), coronary heart disease, bronchitis, emphysema (widening of the bubble of the lungs), high blood pressure that can cause strokes, cataracts, sinusitis, fetal growth disorders and impaired fertility of both men and women.
The threat of cigarettes for fertility and male sexual potency seems quite effective because it proved unsettling male smokers. The campaign which started in Thailand around 1995 that is considered successful in reducing the number of smokers but not significant. The men who feel depressed will decrease fertility and sexual potency they will think twice to continue his habit of smoking. .
Someone who smoked for many years will his blood contaminated by nicotine through the blood vessels will be brought to the entire body, including the reproductive organs. Nicotine poison will affect togenesis sperm or sperm of the male division. Though the division is very complex, which then could be a gene from the owner of the sperm.
To be able to fertilize an egg, sperm must be good quality. That is, the numbers enough, the quality which includes shapes, movement and speed should be good. Sperm is not good will not be able to fertilize an egg cell that is located quite far from the vagina. Strong ejaculation is not enough, because the ability to fertilize depends on the quality and quantity of sperm. At the time of heavy smokers who quit smoking less good sperm, sperm-quality can be increased as far as concerned has no other organic disorder. Besides quitting smoking, which concerned also have to change the pattern of his life that others, such as enough sleep, eat regularly and agencies should not be too tired.
Effects of cigarettes not only affect the quality and quantity of sperm, but also a risk factor for sexual dysfunction. Sexual disorders in men consisting of disorders of libido, erection, ejaculation, and orgasm disorders. Impaired erectile dysfunction (ED), particularly in smokers. The more severe disruption of ED, the more difficult it recovery. The way is now commonly used treatment is, first of all stop smoking. Then try to sort arterialisasi or surgical by-pass by adding new blood vessels in the penis, taken from blood vessels in other parts of the body. The success of this treatment does not reach 100%.
Another way, with drug injections with drugs and done routinely. It also requires the cessation of cigarette first, and if there is interference side must continue to be monitored. For example, blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels continue to be kept stable.
If the division of cells susceptible to interference because of nicotine into the blood, by itself also hampered the development of the fetus. As a result, there could be a miscarriage or birth defects such as cleft lip, nose flattened or less weight.
Although no smoking, nicotine can enter the body second-hand smoke. They come to suck smoke out of his side so that no negative impacts. When the wife is pregnant, the husband should not smoke while flying nearby, because it will poison the fetus. After the baby was born, he should be protected from cigarette smoke.
Reproductive health problems caused by smoking habits were different from men. Disorders related to reproductive health can be a variety of forms ranging from menstrual disorders, early menopause, it is difficult to conceive, pregnancy outside the womb, abortion and the incidence of disability in the fetus.
Nicotine can cause disruption in the maturation of the egg so it is difficult to conceive. Disturbances in the release of eggs increases the risk of female smokers to experience pregnancy outside the womb about 2-4 times higher than the open women smokers. Nicotine is also a cause of menstrual disorders in women smokers as it affects the metabolism of estrogen hormone whose job regulating the process of menstruation. Metabolic disorders will cause irregular menstruation and in women smokers will experience a more severe abdominal pain when menstruating.
Smoking is associated with increased risk of developing abnormalities in pregnancy, such as membranes that rupture prematurely and disorders of the placenta. Smoking habit was associated with premature birth and birth weight babies tend to be low. Babies born with low weight are at high risk for illness and even death.
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